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Q: What is evangelism?

Evangelism is the consistent and intentional dissemination of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Q: Why is evangelism important?

Christians have been called from darkness into the marvelous light of God. Realizing that God wants all men to be saved, Christians are instructed to spread the good news gospel of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20).

Q: Is evangelism offensive to others?

No. While evangelism operates from the truth of God’s word and causes others to see their need for God’s grace, evangelism is never intended to demean, deconstruct or attack one’s character.

Q: Is there a specific method that must be used when engaging in evangelism?

No. Evangelism can be flexible in its methodology. That is, it can be shaped and applied differently for intended audiences.

Q: Is the goal of evangelism to grow the local church?

No. Church growth is often the result of evangelism. However, the primary goal of evangelism is spread the good news gospel of Jesus Christ. Because the gospel is at the core of all evangelism, church invitations and referrals are offered.

Q: Does evangelism guarantee that a person will receive god’s free gift of salvation?

No. While personal decisions to accept God’s free gift of salvation occur often, it is not guaranteed to happen during each encounter. However, evangelism guarantees that a seed is planted leading the individual to accept the free gift of salvation at a later time. (John. 4:27-37)

Q: Do I need formal training to engage in evangelism?

No. While training in evangelism is beneficial, it is not a prerequisite for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

Q: Are there different methods or ways to evangelize?

Yes. Evangelism can be done in different and creative ways. In fact, the bible states that person who wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30). The process of evangelizing or “soul winning” requires prayer and planning to discern the methods most effective for the target audience. Different methods of evangelism may include social media, eye-catching door hangers, 1-on-1 meetings over coffee, block parties, sporting events, concerts, drama productions and more.

Q: What is the most effect way to evangelize?

Effective evangelism is greatly achieved through authentic Christianity. That is, a person’s life and commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ is an evangelistic message. Moreover, sharing your personal testimony is effective as none can better tell your personal experiences with God like you can. Lastly, effective evangelism places no mandates on those hearing the message. It is always people focused rather than results oriented.

Q: What if I get rejected or face opposition when evangelizing?

Rejection is a possibility when evangelizing. Not everyone will accept the gospel message and free gift of salvation. However, remember that when evangelizing, the evangelist never offers themselves. Rather, God’s gift of salvation, his mercy and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ is. Therefore, any rejection that may occur should not be taken personally. Instead, rely on the Holy Spirit when evangelizing as he will work through you to appeal to them. (2 Corinthians 5:20).

Q: Do I need to be a licensed or ordained minister to engage in evangelism?

No. The Bible commands all Christians to share the gospel, and to always be ready to give a defense or apologetic for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15). Note: To learn more about Christian Apologetics click here.

Q: What are some things I can say to start a conversation?

Use probing questions when evangelizing. Do not lecture and attempt to convince the person of their need for God. Ask thought-provoking questions designed to get them thinking in a spiritual context. Here’s an example. “You’re familiar with social media “likes” right? Imagine for a minute that social media likes were associated with all the sins we’ve committed. Thinking about it that way, how many “likes” would you have? This type of question causes the individual to think spiritually and opens the door allowing the evangelist to bring Jesus in – the only remedy for sin.

Q: How can I consistently present the gospel message in an ever-changing culture?

Remaining abreast of cultural nuances will help present the gospel in ways relevant. Understanding the “language” of the culture is equally important, allowing you to engage in fruitful conversation. It is also helpful to build relationships within certain cultural groups to understand their perspectives and to gain trust and credibility. Lastly, be sure to recognize any positive elements of the culture while challenging unbiblical elements.

Q: What are some challenges concerning evangelism?

While evangelism is primarily the work of the Holy Spirit and thus cannot be curtailed, unethical practices and behavior of those classified as Christian can be a deterrent. It’s important to remember that the actions and ideas of one person or persons is not reflective or representative of the universal church of Jesus Christ.

Q: Should I evangelize only to those with whom I share the same ethnicity?

No. The gospel of Jesus Christ is meant for everyone. God is a loving God and is desires that all men (people) come to repentance (2. Peter 3:9). When evangelizing to different ethnic groups, remember to be culturally sensitive and to use methods that are engaging and specific for a community.

Q: What is the next step after evangelism once a person has made a decision to accept and follow Jesus?

The next step for a person that has decided to follow Jesus Christ is join a local church where they can be discipled while they learn how to apply the teaching of Jesus to their lives and in the world around them. This will cause their faith to grow as they model their lives after Christ in an authentic way that attracts others to Christianity.

Q: Is the church pastor and leaders primarily responsible for evangelizing in communities?

No. Evangelism is the responsibility of every Christian. Whether personal one- on-one, or group evangelism, disciples of Jesus Christ are mandated to evangelize, to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ with others.

Q: Are there applications that can help me to evangelize on the go?

Yes. Several evangelism applications exist that can be downloaded to your phone to help make the process easier. Some examples are: “Jesus at the Door” , “Share Your Faith” , “The Exchange” . Each of these ministries provide a web app component, which you can use to help you evangelize.

Q: Are there other things I need to do before engaging in evangelism?

Yes. Pray. Prayer is essential to all evangelism efforts. Prayer should be conducted before, during and after evangelism takes place. Praying for those before you encounter them is an effective way to prepare their hearts to receive the gospel message that you will present. Prayer effectively thwarts the planned distractions of the enemy. It’s quite common to have a group of Christians behind the scenes praying, while at the same time evangelists are “in the fields” spreading the gospel. Finally, praying after evangelism has occurred is effective in nurturing the seed that’s been planted.

Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral